Dielman Files on Eastern Oregon History
A variety of essays on Oregon history and culture written by amateur local historian Gary Dielman.

Locally renowned as an expert in Eastern Oregon history, Gary Dielman has been the driving force behind the Historic Photo Archive of Baker County Library District for decades. Since the photo digitization project began around 2001, he has dedicated thousands of volunteer hours as Lead Curator of the Library Archives.
In addition to his volunteer work on the library archive, Gary regularly assists with fielding inquires to the library about local history and has published over 50 essays on Oregon history, including two articles in the Oregon Historical Quarterly. Seven of these works have become entries in the Oregon Encyclopedia.
In 2016, Dielman was recognized with an Oregon Heritage Excellence Award for individual achievement and lifetime accomplishments in conserving, digitizing, researching, writing, disseminating and promoting the history and heritage of Baker County.
The historical essays presented in the “Dielman Files” collection are the original works of the author. Baker County Library District (BCLD) assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of these essays. They were not commissioned and have not been reviewed or fact-checked for accuracy by BCLD. While efforts have been made by the author to ensure the reliability of the information provided, readers are encouraged to independently verify any facts or statements. The views and opinions expressed in these essays are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of BCLD.
Oregon Trail and Trains
Eastern Oregon Before the Oregon Trail.pdf1864 Baker City Township Map.pdfLone Pine of the Oregon Trail.pdfSpeech to Baker County Historical Society About the Oregon Trail.pdfSpeech to National Oregon Trail Interpretive Center Siting Committee.pdfSlough House Stage Stop.pdf1866 Oregon Trail Diary of Delila Wait.pdfRobert Stuart Discovers the Future Route of the Oregon Trail.pdfEzra Meeker, Pioneer of 1852 and Later Promoter of Oregon Trail Monuments.pdfLate 1800’s
William Henderson Packwood, Baker County’s Pioneering Entrepreneur.pdf1864 Diary of James W Virtue at Clarksville and Auburn.pdfDurkee, Virtue, and Dooley, 1878 Assault With a Deadly Weapon Case.pdf4th of July and Other Celebrations at Auburn in 1864.pdfReputed Dixie Creek Hanging Tree, Was Anyone Ever Hanged on the Tree.pdfTranscontinental Railroad Completed Near Huntington in November 1884.pdfBaker City Newsman Takes a Train Ride on New Transcontinental Railroad.pdfHigh Finance in New York City Nixes Narrow Gauge Railroad in Eastern Oregon.pdfMurder of E. D. Cohen (Seligmann Heilner) on Main Street in 1886.pdfFatal Shooting in Saloon in Bourne in 1888.pdfFrench Family Tragedy, All Seven Members Die When Goodrich Dam Bursts in 1888.pdf130 Years of Neuberger Merchants in Baker City, 1874-2004.pdfJohn Rand, Baker City Lawyer and Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice.pdfBaker County's McCarty Gang.pdfJudge_Isreal_Haines_biography.pdfEarly 1900’s
Former Baker County Sheriff Alfred H. Huntington Charged With Embezzlement in 1902.pdf1904 Hanging of Pleasant Armstrong, Only Person Legally Hanged in Baker County.pdfMorning Democrat and Baker City Herald Rivalry Before Their Merger in 1929.pdfFormer Baker County Sheriff Harvey K Brown, Assassinated on September 30, 1907.pdfDan Kelly, Baker Boy’s 1906 World Record in 100-yard Dash Not Broken for 23 Years.pdfConstruction of Smith Ditch, 1905-1906.pdfLynching of Transient at Audrey in 1914.pdfThe Founding of Copperfield in 1907.pdfThe Reputed Lawless Town of Copperfield.pdfFern Hobbs, Former Baker City Woman Sent by Governor to Tame Copperfield in 1914.pdfKillamaque Reservior burst in 1917.pdfBaker City
Four Founding Fathers of Baker City.pdfBaker's Japanese Community 1900-1942.pdfChinatown, Baker City’s Chinese Ghetto for Over 110 Years.pdfJuvenile Hose Company No. 3, Its Firefighting Club Journal from 1890 to 1898.pdfShort History of Old Post Office Square.pdf1700 Block of Main Street, Its Burning and Subsequent Rise from the Ashes.pdfJames Faull Mansion on 4th Street, Victim of Teenager’s Arson in 1908.pdfTenderloin District, Prostitution Was Illegal but Condoned Until 1906.pdfGeiser-Pollman Park, Baker City’s First Public Park was Established in 1908.pdfRand Building on NW Corner of 1st and Washington, Built in 1906, Burned down in 1985.pdfTense Race Relations in Baker City in 1908.pdfHelen M Stack, Pioneering Baker City Educator.pdfMacDowell Club, Sponsor of Music Programs in Baker City for Over 20 Years.pdfRoyal Cafe -- 50 years on Main Street (Article available by request to the library)
Library note (2/8/2024): Mary Lou Eng contacted BCLD with personal objection to various facts, characterizations, and attributions in Dielman's "Royal Cafe" article and alleged unauthorized use of certain images. Family members who would prefer that specific images of themselves used in the article be redacted are welcome to contact the Library Director in writing (email or letter) to request removal. Ms. Eng was invited to submit a personal statement about the "Royal Cafe" article.
Update (2/28/2024): Ms. Eng's letter of objection to the Royal Cafe article was received by email on 2/27/2024 and is posted here to supplement the record.
Complaint_2024-02_Eng_Mary_Lou_Dielman_Royal_Cafe_Article.pdfUpdate (8/5/2024): BCLD received an updated "Royal Cafe" article from Mr. Dielman with Annie Wong obituary note. Readers may contact the library to request a copy. Note: Copies provided by BCLD will include suppression of 4 images for which usage authorization is in dispute.