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Stewardship, Sustainability, and Emergency Management

Scenic landscape with fields in the foreground and snow-topped Eaglecap Mountains in the background under a blue sky.
Public libraries are inherently sustainable. They enable the sharing of resources, such as books, magazines, and DVDs, among multiple users, thereby reducing overconsumption and  the carbon footprint of their regions.

Resiliance Hubs

BCLD locations serve as warming shelters in winter and cooling shelters in summer heat waves.  Availaibility is limited to our regular business hours at each location. 

Energy Efficiency

BCLD is concerned with the responsible management and conservation of both taxpayer funds and our precious natural resources.

Here are projects and initiatives we have engaged in to increase our efficiency, and resources to help you in your own home, business, and life.

Sage Catalog list of related works

Facilities Projects

BCLD has participated in the Strategic Energy Management (SEM) program from Energy Trust of Oregon since 2022.

SEM has helped BCLD track and evaluate energy consumption at our buildings and connect us with resources to improve our efficiency and reduce operating costs.

Some of these projects include:

  •  Adding tinted window film to reflect solar and UV energy, reducing demand on cooling systems in summer
  • Replacing an obsolete boiler system with a modern, highly efficient tankless heater array
  • Inspecting windows and doors and installing new weather stripping wherever possible
  • Adding vapor barrier sheeting and insulation to the south-facing wall of the Riverside Meeting Room