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Director Message, 3/16/2020

Library services modified for public health

Today in light of the statewide school closure and with the goal of helping “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 disease infection, Baker County Library District (BCLD) has decided to cancel all library programs through April 12, starting on Monday, March 16.

For the time being, Baker County Library and its branches will otherwise remain open and operating on normal schedules. Bookmobile service to senior living centers in Baker City has been suspended.

Meeting organizers with reservations for the library meeting rooms during this period will be contacted and asked to re-evaluate and determine for themselves whether holding a group meeting is a necessity at this time.

It’s important to remember that risk of getting the COVID-19 disease is directly related to exposure to the virus. According to the Oregon Health Authority, this new coronavirus spreads from an infected person to others through:

  • The air by coughing and sneezing (droplets)
  • Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes

Though staff are regularly disinfecting surfaces, library users are encouraged to proactively protect themselves and others by:

  • minimizing exposure time
  • washing hands regularly and thoroughly
  • using materials at our Public Sanitization Stations such as hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to clean personal work spaces
  • keeping a minimum “social distance” from others of at least three (3) feet.

A supply of the Vital Oxide disinfectant solution (used by Baker 5J School District) is on order and expected to arrive in the next few days. We believe this product is safe and effective for sanitizing the exterior surfaces of most of our circulating library materials.

BCLD will also soon be implementing use of UV-C light emitting devices to routinely sanitize circulating materials and commonly used surface areas. Until those devices arrive and staff are trained for their deployment, standard cleaning products and disinfection procedures are being used.

We are monitoring this developing situation closely, staying up-to-date on info from state and federal agencies, health organizations, and other experts. Additional response measures, including modification of services, are being readied to implement as needed.

BCLD thanks all in our Baker County communities for their understanding and efforts to maintain a healthy environment and to keep our friends, neighbors and ourselves safe and well. We will continue to communicate any further impacts to BCLD. Comments and questions may be emailed to .